Welcome to the artsBASICS resources page! On this page, we will provide you with useful resources, tools, websites and other information to help you integrate the arts into all areas of education, at all levels.
Resources are more than art supplies, musical instruments, or dance lessons. Below you will find different articles, links to supporting materials, and other resources you may find as helpful as we have. You have something to share, please drop us a line and we will review your submission and add it accordingly.
2020 artsBASICS Summer Teacher Institute Kennedy Presenter Links
Online Summer Institute presented by Kennedy Center Partnership Teaching Artist Marcia Daft. Below are two links to resources presented by Marcia.
Ready to Teach! Arts & SEL Lessons
Access elementary and middle school ready-to-teach lessons. Each Google Slideshow integrates a different fine art and Social Emotional Learning Competency. Make a copy of the slideshow to personalize and edit for your class
Arts & SEL Lessons
2019 Summer Arts Integration Institute – Lesson Plans
The following lessons are from attendees of our 2019 Summer Arts Integration Institute Seminar. Please feel free to adapt any of these lessons in your classes and join us for our 2020 Seminar at the Creative Arts Academy of the Quad Cities next to the Figge Art Museum!
2019 Lesson Plans
Clearing house of research examining evidence of the benefits of an arts education.
“Preparing Educators & School Leaders for Effective Arts Integration” 2018
This Education Trends report explores successful practices for arts integration, with a focus on educator and school leader professional development…
Read more...2018 Summer Institute Participants’ Arts Integration Lessons
The following lessons are from participants from our 2018 artsBASICS Summer Arts Integration Seminar who also received credit from St. Ambrose University. Please feel free to adapt any of these lessons in your classes and join us next June for our 2019 Seminar at the new location of one of our schools, the Creative Arts Academy of the Quad Cities next to the Figge Art Museum!
“Review of Evidence: Arts Integration Research Thru the Lens of the Every Student Succeeds Act” 2017
During the past 20 years, education scholars and researchers have argued that arts integration—an instructional approach that uses concepts and strategies from the visual and performing arts to teach other subjects such as English and math —can improve student learning in those subjects…
Science Reveals the Secrets to Creativity
Grab Some Running Shoes & Mess Up Your Desk! Science…
Finding which tools will bolster your creativity is not only important for your work, but to also keep things interesting. Maybe you’ve had friends, colleagues, even …
ArtsEdge- Connect. Create.
ArtsEdge is the Kennedy Center’s free digital resource for teaching and learning in, through and about the arts.
L.A. Schools Arts Integrated Curriculum
K–6 Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum Guide: Examples of Integrated Lessons
Developed by the Los Angeles County Office of Education in partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District as part of the (CCSESA) Arts Initiative and the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) Visual and Performing Arts Subcommittee.
A View into a Decade of Arts Integration
Amy Duma, Journal for Learning Through the Arts, v10 n1 2014
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts has been involved in an intensive, sustained partnership with schools, Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA), since 1999. The CETA program is a whole school reform model designed to impact student learning and attitudes by building teachers’ capacities to make arts integration one of their primary approaches to teaching across the curriculum. During its first (more…)
In this two-day lesson, students look beyond the basics of haiku poetry and focus on the content of the haiku. Students reflect on their daily lives to find moments of peace and happiness. Using these moments and observations, they create a haiku and an accompanying photograph, which are combined into a digital visual class anthology.
This resource provided courtesy of the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts
Interpreting Mythology Through Dance
In this lesson, students learn about the mythological 12-hour journey of the sun god Re and explore an online Smithsonian Museum exhibit. Students review locomotor and non-locomotor movements and the different qualities of movement, and choreograph a piece that represents one of the hours of Re’s journey.
This resource provided courtesy of the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts
The Importance of Art Education
This video from NatGeo Channel’s “StarTalk” program features musician David Byrne and Neil deGrasse Tyson discussing the vital importance of arts education.
Edutopia News
The George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit operating foundation, was founded by filmmaker George Lucas in 1991. Growing up, Lucas was curious and creative – but at school, he often felt bored. Years later, after becoming a father, he once again found himself focused on schools’ untapped potential to truly engage students and inspire them to become active, lifelong learners. He decided to invest in making a difference and created the Foundation to identify and spread innovative, replicable and evidence-based approaches to helping K-12 students learn better.
How To Raise a Creative Child…
An interesting and thought provoking piece by Adam Grant, contributing Op-Ed writer for the Sunday Review supplement to the New York Times newspaper.
Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects
Art has long been recognized as an important part of a well-rounded education — but when it comes down to setting budget priorities, the arts rarely rise to the top. Many public schools….