Poetry Performance/ Workshop: Students explored the link between Language Arts and History, as they experienced and learned about the power of poetry. The focus of the presentation centered on the CONTENT, COMMUNICATION, and CONSTRUCTION of written and spoken pieces. The presenter, Toney Jackson, from Piscataway, New Jersey, performed original poetry, presented relevant exemplars, and facilitated student writing and sharing of their original poetry which was connected to the curriculum. Mrs. Waite’s 6th and 8th grade Heritage students at the Creative Arts Academy recently worked on their poetry with the help of this professional author, poet, educator, and speaker. Toney’s career began when he helped foster the spoken word/open mic scene at Rutgers University. Since then, he has been recognized by the Academy of American Poets, won several poetry slams, and been a featured reader, performer, and workshop leader at schools, theatres, and other venues across the country. Students prepared poetry prior to Toney’s arrival, and then discussed their pieces with him during his visit. Thanks to Mr. Jackson for sharing his passion with our students as they expressed themselves creatively!Submitted by CAA/Sudlow teacher, Natasha Waite.