“Facing Difference Challenge” Figge Exhibit

“Facing Difference Challenge” Figge Exhibit

Diane Franken News

As we near the culmination of the world-wide student exhibit at the Figge (ends September 17th), we reflect on the goals and outcomes for the students from one of our artsBASICS schools, the Creative Arts Academy of the Quad-Cities, who had the opportunity to curate and have their own art works a part of those of others around the globe.  Those students included:  Madisyn Waters, Kaylei Winder, Zahra Fonvill, Henry Gerdts, Ava Guy, Brooklyn Hall, Hunter Kirby, Isabel Klinect, Titiana Matthews, McKenna Osterhaus, Ava Perez, Izabella Ricci, Maxxwell Rietz, and Kaylee Trice.  We know these students will remember this experience time and time again.

Speaker Arno Michaelis, whose life’s purpose has become to bring all people together, spoke at a special open house at the Figge.  Poetry was also read by students from Central High School, another artsBASICS school.

(Information for this story was from National Board for Professional Teaching Standards teacher, Heidi Hernandez, of the CAA)



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