Ballet Quad Cities visits Harrison Elementary School
Dance Me a Story- “Giraffes Can’t Dance” workshop with 1st graders and visiting artists from the Quad City Ballet. Submitted by Music Teacher: Mary Beth Riewerts
Dance Me a Story- “Giraffes Can’t Dance” workshop with 1st graders and visiting artists from the Quad City Ballet. Submitted by Music Teacher: Mary Beth Riewerts
One of our artsBASICS school’s, Jackson Elementary, invited these two young men from the Healthy Kindness Tour (Rock Island) to present an assembly where they taught the children about the importance of daily attendance, kindness and healthy choices through yoga and dance. Interesting to hear the reaction thank-you letters from several students and especially how… continue reading »
Poetry Performance/ Workshop: Students explored the link between Language Arts and History, as they experienced and learned about the power of poetry. The focus of the presentation centered on the CONTENT, COMMUNICATION, and CONSTRUCTION of written and spoken pieces. The presenter, Toney Jackson, from Piscataway, New… continue reading »