Month: August 2015

2015 Scholarships

Mark Scholarships, News

2015 Scholarships Given… artsBASICS Grants Scholarships to Area Students During a recent artsBASICS board of directors meeting Joel Franken reported on the Summer 2015 artsBASICS Scholarship grants. These scholarships, funded by sponsors, donors and fundraising efforts of artsBASICS were distributed through Harrison, Jackson and McKinley elementary schools, Sudlow Middle School and to the Creative Arts… continue reading »

Support for In-Service

Mark Past Projects

artsBASICS Provides Support for Educators With In-Service “Joel and Diane Franken gave a Arts Integration In-Service held July 13 – 16, 2015, at the Creative Arts Academy of the Quad-Cities using the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts definition: an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students… continue reading »

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